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Blog Comments posted by Madie

  1. Nice to read this! thank you in advance! old clothes were nice on those old days and im happy to see you are thinking about bring them back!

    I dont have any in mind for now but I always thinked that it would be great to have some more "Specific" clothes as for example Firemen or Police outfits for girls at least, not too much of those are seen on this days!

    Big thank you in advance for your work and for always doing something for the community, best of luck with all your works and take care of yourself Hdiddy! 


    • Like 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Morius said:

    If I understood you correctly, your problem it's just find suitable pics from tattoos on the skin of real people. Yeah, this can be hard. I did it once, but I've found a picture with the tattoo very well visible and in a plain "surface" (I think the original was in a thigh). Some can be really tricky. 

    Yeah! just that! is very tricky indeed!

    It has to be in a plain surface and in some kind of "Neutral Angle" to get good tattoo


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  3. Yeah I think thats the way hahaha!

    Oh also I dont think someone would check his cameras with his windows open behind him, LESS when you live in a apartment with others buldings near you to spy how you spy others people that would be like. LOL

    I like your idea, I need to check those fps in a minute!


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  4. Yeah I can understand a bit that, I suffered Anxiety and Depression years ago, its something not bad but its a bit generalized on my day to day.

    I also, When I am high or "fly" Im optimistic and I want to learn and do all things togheder, learn blender, learn how a texture is done or works, the I ended doing nothing just because I try t o grab more that my hand could so I go back to my boring and repeatetive days, work eat and sleep work eat and sleep

    dont worry about time, Rome wasnt builded in one day so things need their time and your great work also need it, but Im not leaving you left this room unfinished 😉

    oh and the balcony looks great, IDK if it should have a bit more space between the doors and where the balcony ends but I thing it should have something like a "Plate" or "Wall" dividing one from another, somehting high enough so one couldn't peek the other apartment so easy, Hope I am not beign too confusing, my english is pretty broken these days!

  5. Hahaha sorry for so many request lately, maybe Next step is going to be bothering HDiddy or Smoke to make some type of clothing? hahaha nah I dont believe that... for now 😮


    Sexvisions rooms are always something very nice and awesome to see here! You're gonna do a great work thats for sure, and as always like to say THANK YOU. to you and all the modders who takes request and stay learning to come with new things

    To you, smoke, hdiddy, soviet tiger, anyone who make any type of content to put TK on the day... really really thank you to all and also. My apologies for beign a compulsive requester lately and for not doing more than just some simple models! 

    Looking and waiting very much this one @Sexvision! take your time and do your magic! 😄🙂

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  6. 5 hours ago, Sexvision said:


    I think i got you beat on this one. Still want to make a bar area also. toilet is a good idear and can be easly done.

    Here is what i got now for a extra room:

    The Klub 17-0014.png


    The Klub 17-0015.png

    The Klub 17-0016.png

    The Klub 17-0017.png

    Fuck yeah... I like that idea your creativity is always something to be recognized for sure.  "kinky, porny, shady and nasty" the most the better!

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  7. 13 hours ago, Sexvision said:

    I get bored realy fast and have to switch projects to keep going. I also like to learn new stuff and I dont sleep that helps to 🙂.

    Thank you for your kind words Madie. Im glad you like them.

    I dont want to be a pain in the ass but if you include more things like videocameras or some kind of "improvised porn sets" or toilets/bathrooms on your rooms I will be very happy for sure, your work is awesome and I know isnt any easy and I dont want to look like pretenciously or bother you but if you can I hope you take some ideas like that on any rooms you make! but I have to say, since I get into klubexile your rooms where the most I liked and more if they are a bit shady

    Cheers and very good luck with all your works! they are great always!

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