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Blog Comments posted by SovietTiger

  1. 14 minutes ago, Trapp said:

    Well, Dani could try some light BDSM and certainly isn't above public humiliation, albeit to a point. Maybe travelling somewhere where she doesn't know anyone and can't be filmed? lol! I'm sure both Mexicanitas would get along great! I'll be uploading her this weekend for download, since it's actually quite easy to set her up (and by extension, all my models!)

    Am I sensing a collaboration proposition? Are you suggesting both chicas could be friends, sharing their erotic dreams to one another? Are you implying this could happen? ARE YOU SAYING THIS WILL HAPPEN? ARE YOU!?




    Yes? 🥹

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  2. Interesting. I'm glad you finally stepped in H5. I know you have a PC that's not powerful enough to keep everything stable. But you'll get there. 

    I'm looking forward to this story arc. Something interesting clicked: I let you know, as @Morius already knows, Rassía has a very similar fantasy, but she goes beyond. She's about BDSM stuff, and public humiliation. Buuuuuuuut her personality is not compatible with "being used". I love human condition and paradoxical dichotomies. 🥰

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  3. I can relate. Maybe is the cold striking, or the late year... I dunno. Anyway, I'm sorry to not be able to break the stalemate, but all fault is yours, my good comrade. Your muchachas are amazing and you know how to tell stories. 

    But what I do can do, is to say this: I would vote for Yunuen's story first. She's my favorite from your group, aside of Mari of course. Theeeeeen Serena. Serena is wild and I would like to keep seeing her around. Boucher is always guarantee of a good read. I'm curious about Hentai Man tho... will he just, literaly, fucking around? So, as Trapp said, make it happen, all of them!

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  4. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeee!!!!! 😍

    This is more than I expected and let me tell you... Our mixed universe has come so much more clear to me now: Malena likes Mari, as a symbol but as a woman too. Rassía shares a lot of personality treats with Mari, although for different reasons. And they even share taste for hairstyles. This might be the one of the reasons (not the only, tho) that made Malena pose her eyes on Rassía.

    That, my good man, is really amazing to me. Looking forward to keep collaborating with you to bring more stuff to life! 

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  5. I really was not expecting that twist. A multiverse were the personae from SF exist... I like it. And, assuming your and mine are in the same... Man! Chun Li is real! 😄 But she's old enough to be Rassía's mom or even grandma (a very young one, but still possible). 

    It sound like a cliché, but is fairly common story in Mexico. A "has been" living from the memories, and the sorrounding family trying to keep up, until shit happens. Far too common, far too familiar. 

    I would like to point out, that "ponche" in Spanish means "hot potion made of fruit". Punch would be better translated as "golpe" in this context.

    I like it. Will be tuned for more! 🤩

    • Thanks 1
  6. Yes sir! 

    I've got a list! Sir!

    - Helmet: Military, football, firefighter and officer helmets could use an update.

    - Hat: Cowgirl, cowboy, stewardess, pilot and police uniform.

    - Top y: Apron.

    - Top z: Gym top.

    - Blouse: Police uniform top, jail top, library top.

    - Coat: Coat, stewardess coat.

    - Dress: Nurse overall, halter dress, wedding dress, nun dress, casual dress, knitted dress.

    - Skirt: stewardess skirt, police uniform skirt, psychologist skirt.

    - Shorts: Cowgirl hotpants, outdoor pants.

    - Pants: Pants f, pants, firefighter pants, officer leather pants, pilot pants, jail pants, psychologist pants, oriental pants.

    - Body stockings... Well, body stockings.

    - Boots: Black knee high boots, officer boots, cowgirl boots, cowboy boots, leather boots, psychologist boots, knitted boots.


    Soooooo would I like have everything redone?? YES!

    And although I know it is not possible... Asking is still free. 😁


    Pants. We have no decent "dress" pants. 

    Full outfits like the police officer (female), stewardess and jail (female) could add base for modders, as it did back in the day of the evil Omni Consumer Products (OCP) we don't talk about.

    That is all, Your Honor.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Morius said:

    So, was Malena is Rassía's instructor? Very nice! Mari would love to spar with Malena! 

    Imagine this picture: Malena is about 1.65m height, Rassía is 1.80m. When they met, Malena was hitting the sandbag at the gym, mostly giving kicks. They started chatting and Malena asked Rassía to show her what she's got. And although Rassía is very strong, she did punch and kick "like a girl". That cracked down Malena, who almost laughed to the tears. Rassía got frustrated.

    Then Malena gave her a rubber knife and told Rassía to try to stab her. Rassía tried, but did not succede. At the first punch stroke, Malena kicked Rassía on the belly, climbed up on her shoulders, took the arm that had the knife , took Rassía down and applied an armbar to force her to drop the knife. Rassía did not drop it, wich made Malena to apply more force... and made Rassía moan in pain.

    From that moment on, although both are kadets, Malena took Rassía under her wing, to teach her everything she knows. And she knows her stuff good. 😉

    It would be nice if we can see Mari and Malena spar each other. 😍

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  8. 1 hour ago, Morius said:

    First of, I love stupid solutions for problems! I do them all the time! [...]

    Now I'll read your messages. You don't know that, but for portuguese speakers, spanish it's Just a funny accented portuguese! 

    ey! If ti works, it ain't stupid! 😉

    Wel, for Spanish speakers, Portuguese sounds like any other accent that got out of control 🤭

    And I disagree with you, comrade Morious. @ArtsAndCrafty and @aardy aren't low budget wizards. They are wizards. 

    lord of the rings laughing GIF


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  9. Necesitas acceder a ellos por medio de ActiveMod. Aardy, por ejemplo, tiene mucha sabiduría al respecto, Mándale un mensaje por PM y muy probablemente te pueda apuntar en la dirección correcta para encontrar las carpetas de las habitaciones del juego base. 

    De cualquier manera, no le tengas miedo a bajar cuartos de legacy. Yo acabo de adaptar un cuarto que originalmente lo diseñaron para H4 a H5, que no sabía cómo hacerlo... hasta que aprendí como hacerlo. Lo difícil es saber, ya sabiendo, ya qué chiste.

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